
Once you’ve decided what you want your CFLAGS to be, mclude it in /etc/profile.
Linux novice

As a Linux novice I iove to try things out. This is great but as I now also use Linux for real work I need a safe backup for my work fileş. This is my Iomega zip drive. I have got my zip to work on my PC and be accessibie to users other than root and have even got an icon on my KDE desktop.

My only problem is that each time I boot up I have to login as root on bash and ‘modprobe imm’. I have trawled the HOW-TOs and the nevvsgroups but have not found out how to include the İMM modüle so it is included by default. I use SuSE 7.0.

An aside: do you know where I can download some fax softvvare? There doesn’t seem to be any with the SuSE distribution. Chris Fox

The imm modüle can be modprobed at boot time by adding the follovving to the end of rclocal: /sbin/modprobe imm.

You can, if you prefer, add a line to /etc/modules.conf, which loads the ‘imm’ modüle when you access the /dev/pda device, with alias pda imm. You will then need to perform ‘depmod -a’ as root but after that, vvhenever you come to access the zip drive, the imm modüle will be loaded for you automatically.

As for fax softvvare, HylaFAX is one of the best fax softvvare packages for Linux. You can dovvnload it from www.hylafax.org. If it does not do what you want, then freshmeatnet has a wide selection of alternatives at http://freshmeat.net/browse/36/

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