Linux Installation


User-friendly distributions such Mandrake mean that Linux is getting ever easier to install, but problems can stili occur. We answer ali your installation-related questions, including diffıculties with disk partitioning, boot managers and how to install extra extra softvvare on your Linux system.


One of the advantages of Linux is its flexibility, but this often comes at a price. More choice, means more configuration – and Linux does not alvvays have user-friendly tools to go the job done quickly. Look here for ansvvers to your configuration problems. We also cover question concerning rebuilding the Linux kernel here.


These days, a Computer is at its most useful when it can access the internet, so not surprisingly getting your Linux box online will be a priority for many users. If you are having problems establishing a dial-up connection with your modem, or can’t talk to your ALAN via an Ethernet card then head for this section.

Linux has driver support for a much vvider variety of hardware today, but certain classes of device can stili be a source of difficulty. Do you have an unruly SCSI controller, have problems with a removable disk, or can’t get Linux to use your USB devices? We ansvver such common hardvvare-related questions.


Linux might be popular as a server platform, but that doesn’t mean it can’t do multimedia as well. But are you having troubles make your Linux box sound the best that it possibly can? See this section for help and advice on getting your sound card to work under Linux.

you can convince it to.lf it’s not ATAPI/IDE, you’re in for a few problems. Usually non-ATAPI drives have proprietary interfaces, vvhich generally don’t have drivers available for Linux. İf that is the case, you may want to see if you can borrovv an ATAPI CD-ROM drive from someone and see if you do any better. Failing that, you could install över a netvvork, such as a LAN or PUP (parallel lead) connection, or by installing a second HD into the machine, after copying the Linux distribution onto that disc.


Web serving might be Linux’s killer application, but that doesn’t mean that its always easy to do. If you are having problems setting up Apache, installing a database engine or if you can’t get to grips with PHP, then read this section. We cover file and mail servers here, too.


Linux is the platform of choice for many developers because of the quantity and quality of tools available, but it can be confusing for the beginner. If you are having problems with Perl or you can’t build against a shared library, then consult this section for the ansvvers.


With a robust security model and a built-in netvvork firevvall, many opt for Linux because of its security features, but just how do you ensure yourself that your system is safe? We ansvver questions such as how to configure a Linux firevvall, and vvhether you need to worry about viruses.

Categorising problems is alvvays difficult Take a look at this section for questions that have failed to fit into the previous sections. This includes problems vvith the shell and common shell commands, tvveaking your system’s start-up behaviour, and mounting foreign filesystems.


If this booklet has vvhetted your appetite, then get a regular diet of Linux solutions vvith a subscription to our sister publication, Linux Format, the UK’s biggest nevvsstand magazine dedicated to Linux. Not only does it include a regular Q+A section, you also get ali the latest Linux news, revievvs and features.


The Linux user has a vvealth of options when it comes to installing a desktop environment, but this can be a source of many pitfalls too. We solve those troublesome problems with configuring the X Window System, graphics cards, monitors a

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