Total confusion

Total confusion

I’ve recently bought a hard disk solely | for Linux Mandrake 72.1 don’t understand the procedure for partitioning the hard drive. I’ve read the

manual referring to this in total confusion. Would you kindly advise me on a step to step approach as to vvhat to do? My system hard drives are:
C: 1.3GB 5.90GB
D: 4.02GB Allocated For Mandrake
E: .835GB 16.1GB

Herb Spencer, via email
1| Partitioning is split into three parts — j| 1| Freeing up space used by existing 1 partitions, creating partitions and allocating them mount points. Your ‘D:’ drive should be deleted, so that you can create a few Linux partitions in its space. Using the partition editör in Mandrake, just del ete 7dev/hda5,’ checking that it is actually 4GB in size.

You can then create some Linux partitions, and vvhile the exact nature of the partitions vvill depend upon your own requirements, you can usually set it up like this: — lOOMB/tmp —

100 M B/var – lOOMB/usr — 2GB/home – 1.7GB, or vvhatever is left. Some distributors use the /opt directory, so you may vvant to reserve 500MB or so from that, and reduce /usr and /home slightly to free up the space. Your ‘E:’ partition in Windows vvill become ‘D:; as VVindovvs just ignores ali Linux partitions and does not include them in its lists. There is more documentation on partitioning at and, vvhich looks at various vvays to partition your media.

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