Bad experience

Bad experience

Bad experience

For interest and professional reasons,

I bought Linux4Win 6.5, and was pleased I would now be able to set up Linux without the dangers of repartitioning.

My Linux needs will be small, maybe restricted to using Kylix and I only have one Linux game (Terminus), while Windows and its games are disk hogs. Unfortunately, the install program was a total failure and I totally unable to create the Linux Virtual partition fileş. No support was available from either Macmillan (, who distributed it, or Mandrake who developed it and a technical email
address that was given is defunct — I got no reply to any of my emails. I was forced to return the worthless software to GAME, concluding that Linux is a Mickey Mouse set-up worthy of the origins of DOS itself. I also discovered that L4X appears to have a more recent mcp-based release. I am stili interested in setting up Linux (within Win95), could you advise on a reputable retailer?

Andrew Argile, via email

I| İt really doesn’t sound like you have had

11 much success vvith Linux so far. To be ı honest, if you’re actually going to use Linux for something serious, such as Kylix, a distribution vvhich installs itself vvithin a Windows FAT partition is not going to be particularly great, because the disc access times are considerably vvorse than a Standard Linux ext2 partition, and you vvill really notice the difference if you start to svvap. If you can, just resize your Windows partition and create a small Linux partition, using Mandrake Linux, SuSE, or any other distribution you like the look of, and dual-boot betvveen the two.

İt’s really quite pathetic that Macmillan don’t provide support for vvhat they seli, or at least point you in the right direction of someone vvho can help you vvith the specific problems you are experiencing vvith the product. Linux4Win is not a typical Linux distribution, and certainly the vvay that Macmillan deal vvith people is not the usual vvay for people vvithin the Linux community to behave. We hope your next experiences vvith Linux are more successful.


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