Java: there or not

Java: there or not

I have an enquiry regarding Mandrake f 7.2.1 don’t know if a Java compiler (Jdk) was already installed on this distribution or do I need to download the Java software from internet? Thanks.

Carol, via email

You can easily check to see if jdk is installed just by entering the follovving simple command: rpm-q jdk f

If it is not there, check the Mandrake CD to see if it’s on there before dovvnloading the rather huge RPM from the internet.
Boot bother, parti

I am struggling to install Linux for the I first time. I vvant to use an old PC which has Windows 95 on it and a 1GB hard disk. I want to erase the Windows and use a single partition for Linux.

I can get so far attempting to use fips, but it won’t run because there are hidden fileş left on the disk. Windows no longer boots, even from the startup floppy, and MSDOS/Windows floppy does not seem to recognise the D: CD-ROM drive.

How can I wipe the hard disk, reformat it, create the partitions and load Linux from my CD-ROM? Sorry if this sounds like a disaster area.

Dougal Darvill, via email

Uf Vlttotallydependsuponthetype IF A Ipf CD-ROM drive it is. If it’s a general f «M» 1ATAPI drive, Linux should pick it up vvithout any problems. Check to see if your BIOS recognises it and, if it doesn’t, see if you can convince it to.lf it’s not ATAPI/IDE, you’re in for a few problems. Usually non-ATAPI drives have proprietary interfaces, which generally don’t have drivers available for Linux. If that is the case, you may vvant to see if you can borrovv an ATAPI CD-ROM drive from someone and see if you do any better. Failing that, you could install över a netvvork, such as a LAN or PLIP (parallel load) connection, or by installing a second HD into the machine, after copying the Linux distribution onto that disc.

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