New /usr

New /usr

After tvvo months of an install/upgrade/ break/install… ete.

II eyele I finally have a Computer vvith everything I vvant; everything installed, configured and vvorking just as it should.

Stupid me though, I created three partitions: root, /home and /usr. Except I typed /src instead of /usr so I now have /src mounted on an empty gigabyte partition and / is full.

I think I knovv mostly hovv to sort everything out, but l’d really like confırmation that l’m not going to break my system again because the thought of ali that drives me completely round the bend.

I think I should:

1) copy the executables, cp, mv, mount and unmount to my home directory.

2) cd /usr; mv * /src

3) umount hda7 (currently /src)

4) mount -t ext2 hda7 /usr

If l’m right then doing ali this should move everything to the right place and give me a vvorkable system.

The only thing I don’t knovv is hovv do I teli Mandrake to mount hda7 on /usr instead of /src as I get a horribie feeling that if I get this stage vvrong my machine vvon’t boot.

Thanks for any advice you can give.


Firstly, you vvant to reboot the machine into single user mode (type linux single at the LILO prompt), so you don’t have any running processes vvhich might have fileş open on /usr. Mounting the /dev/hda7 partition on /mnt, then copy the contents of /usr över to /mnt using: cp^ra/ustf/mm

This vvill keep ali permissions and file ovvnership, so

the new filesystem vvill not have everything ovvned by root.

Once you’ve checked that everything’s copied, you can safely delete everything out of /usr. You’ll then need to add an entry to the end of /etc/fstab vvhich reads:

/dev/hda7 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2 and then mount /usr and check that it’s ali set up right. If it looks right, then you can reboot the machine and it vvill be using your vvonderful shiny new /usr filesystem.

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