Path master

Path master

Under X the /usr/local/bin directory isn’t in path vvhen I start programs from GNOME menus or by using my mini-commander applet. If, hovvever, I type ‘echo $ PATH’ in an Xterm (gnome-terminal) it telis me that /usr/local/bin IS in SPATH.

Also, the /sbin isn’t in path either under X vvhen root.

From the forums

rl|j İt fully depends upon vvhere the 1 ‘/usr/local/bin/’ directory is added to the 1 PATH variable. Generally, adding it in /etc/profile is the best vvay to go, as other locations such as -/.bashrc or /etc/bashrc are not executed vvhen the parent process is bash. By doing ‘echo $PATH’ from gnome-terminal, you’re just looking at the PATH variable vvithin bash.

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