Bash advance

Bash advance

I’ve just installed the JDK 1.3 vvith absolutely no problems by follovving the instructions that vvere supplied vvith it. Hovvever, vvhen it comes to setting the PATH to runide automatically, I have no idea vvhich bits are to go vvhere. I have tried every conceivable option (as far as I can see!). If I shovv you vvhat my .bashrc looks like, can you shovv me exactly hovv it should look?

Current .bashrc:

. etc/bashrc fi

There is no PATH=/sbin… line as suggested in the installation guide.

I vvould appreciate it if you could teli me hovv this is can be done in an easy and uncomplicated vvay.

Many thanks in anticipation.

Steve Hurphy

i The PATH variable is generally set in i /etc/profile, unless it’s specific to an 1 individual user You can set the JDK path by adding the follovving; export PATH-“$PATH;/usr/local/|£Jk/bin” in your -/.bashrc

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