And there’s more

And there’s more

l’m running SuSE 70 and trying to compile a 2.4 kernel. When I enter make bzlmage, I get the follovving text on the sereen:

gcc ~Wall -Wstrict -prototypes »

02 -fomit~f rame-poınter *0 saipts/split-include saipts/split-inclucte.c İn fite induded from /usr/tnelude/errno.h:36, from script$/splît-İnclude.c26: /usr/indude/brts/errnah;25: lirtux;errno.h; no such file or directory

make: [scrfcts/spiit-include}

Error 1

fi This is a problem is to due to vvhere you J, İl have unpacked the kernel source code. ^ 1 The default location for this is /usr/src/linux and some of the header fileş expect the kernel source to be there. The usual practice is to create a symbolic link from that path to vvherever you have actually unpacked the source code. This allovvs you to vvork vvith several kernel source trees at the same time more easily.

Login as root or gain superuser privileges vvith su, and cd to /usr/sre. If you already have a symlink called Tmux’ here remove it vvith tmfinux

If there’s a directory called ‘linux’ here, move it to another directory vvith, for example: mv linux linux_ofd

You are novv ready to unpack the kernel source tree. Enter

tar zxvf <path>/limfx~ £’ •


vvhere <path> is vvherever the kernel archive is located. İt vvill be something like /mnt/cdfom/othersoftware/kemel2.4.0. ggf Rename the nevvly created Linux directory to something more helpful vvith: mv tinux kernel-sourçe-2,4.0 and create the symlink vvith:

İn -s kernel-source-2A0 ümıx You can novv cd to this directory and follovv the usual build procedure.

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