Tapes of vvrath

Tapes of vvrath

Having read a article recently on backups, I have dovvnloaded and installed the RPM for Dump. I vvould appreciate it if you could advise me as to hovv I can configure Dump to vvork vvith my IDE tape drive.

John Wallis, via email

ji fi Aha, the trick here is that you don’t. You

İF k H confiSure y°ur teP6 drive t0 work with

r ««s» 1 Linux, then use Dump to dump to it as a

device. For example:


vvhere tapel is vvhatever your tape drive is

configured as.

If you haven’t yet configured your tape drive to vvork under Linux, you’ll probably need to do a kernel recompile and include IDE/ATAPI TAPE support, vvhich can be found in the IDE/ATAPI Block devices section.

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