

11 have been running Linux for a vvhile and I vvant to knovv hovv to set up a drive to use supermount?

Carrie, via email
| Supermount behaves just like any other I filesystem, except it automatically mounts 1 the filesystem vvhen you access it mount ~t supermount -o
options> <mpi> <mpt> vvould be an example supermount mount command, vvith <superfs-options> containing options for the supermount, such as filesystem= and dev=. <subfs-options> contains options for the subfilesystem, such as the floppy disc or CD-ROM. <mnt> is the mount point for the file system.

This is translated into a /ete/fstab option, vvhich is similar to:

<mnt> <mnt> supermount <superfs-options>, – ,<sut>fs~ options> 0 0

So, if you vvanted to mount /dev/fdO on /mnt/floppy you might use /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 8lesystem»exi2,

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