Linux | Mandrake 7.0 Deluxe

Mandrake 7.0 Deluxe

11 am running Mandrake 7.0 Deluxe on a Cyrix 200MHz vvith 48MB RAM. Please teli me hovv I can change the display settings? Everything is too large on my monitor, and i can’t find a setting anyvvhere to change it. i would be very grateful if you couid indicate hovv I could change display settings in

order to see complete documents and to use the program properiy. The manual I got does not say hovv I can do this.


r W The easiest vvay to change the ‘size; or

II resolution, of an X display is to edit the »*» 1 /etc/X11/XF86Config (or /etc/XF86Config) file in order to adjust the default resolution.

You did not mention vvhich video card you have, so it is quite likely that you are just using the Standard VGA X-server, vvhich only supports 640×480. If that is the case, you can use ‘XF86Setup’ to change the X configuration and pick a better supported X server vvhich is specific to your video card.

If the X-server is the right one for your card, then you need to edit XF86Config, using vvhichever text editör you prefer. You vvill, hovvever, need to edit it as root. You need to edit the ‘Modes’ lines vvithin the ‘Screen’ section, of vvhich you may have more than one. You need to list the resolutions you are going to vvant available, vvith your favourite listed first, as X vvill try each of them in turn in order to bring up your X display.

If neither of these solutions helps you in making your system vvork properiy, it is likely, particularly if you have a very new video card, that it is not completely supported under Mandrake 7.0.

If you are in this situation, you can either manually upgrade the X packages, by dovvnloading them from Mandrake’s vvebsite, or you can ‘upgrade’ the entire installation to Mandrake 8.0.

Of course, depending hovv much you’ve actually done to the system, you may prefer to do a
Change your control settings to view complete documents

complete reinstall of Mandrake 8.0 to fix everything up. /etc/XF86Config contains ali of the options for your X server, and allovvs you to change the default resolution.

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