Red Hat Upgrade
l’m using Red Hat 6 at the moment on my vvorkstation vvith 6.1 on my file server (used by Windows PCs on a home netvvork). l’m looking to upgrade to a nevver version on the vvorkstation – this doesn’t need to be Red Hat. Do you have any suggestions about vvhich to use in a dual boot vvith Win98 and running on its ovvn HD (hdc). I’ve tried to install several, induding Mandrake
7.2, but ali the Mandrake versions that I’ve tried lock up in the install.
nstall this and you’ll be able to convert a deb
package vvith a command like:
alien-r foobar.deb
This vvill generate a package called
foobarARCH.rpm – vvhere ARCH is the architecture
that the package foobar has been built fon if any –
vvhich you can then install vvith rpm as per normal.
The ansvver we gave last time is also incorrect vvhen it says dselect has been replaced vvith apt in nevver Debian distros. dpkg is the tool that is used to install, build and configure packages on a Debian system and apt is the tool that is used to retrieve them for you from a specified package source, resolve dependencies and so on. dselect is just a menu-based front-end to both tools and has not so far been replaced. You can, of course, use a graphical alternative to dselect, such as KPackage or StormPkg.