
Different dass

Different dass

I think I have installed the vvrong installation dass of Mandrake 7.2.1 installed the ‘recommended’ dass, but I novv realise this installation dass does not include ali the programming languages and other developer stuff. İn order to install a ‘vvorkstation’ installation dass, do I need to remove my current installation, or can I simply update it, by installing the ‘vvorkstation’ installation class över the top?

What is the difference betvveen the covermount versions of Linux and the commercially available boxed editions?

And finally, do you knovv if there is a good, stable Atari ST emulator available for Linux? Samual, via email

IYou can use LinuxConf to install additional packages for the items you missed out, or you can install them by hand using RPM. You might also vvant to try to ‘upgrade’ the distribution using the Mandrake installer, as long as it doesn’t notice that your already running the current release and stop you.

Boxed sets usually contain CDs containing the actual distribution, the source code and some variety of printed documentation. As vvell as that, support is available from the distribution creators, such as RedHat or SuSE, for a fixed time period after installation should you become stuck. Boxed

sets are good for people vvho’ve never touched Linux as they have something to follovv vvhen they install, but as the distribution can be, er, distributed freely, it’s useful for people who can obtain help elsevvhere to install Linux off a free, or cheap, CD rather than shelling out on a boxed set vvhich they’ll hardly use.

On he Atari front, a quick search vvith Google brings up a few hits, the most promising of vvhich seems to be nino/stonx.html, vvhich is the home of STonX. Another good site is ST/Emulation/Emulators/ vvhich has a number of interesting leads. We’ve not tried any of these out, so vve can’t promise anything… The alternative is to get your old ST out of the loft and dust it down.

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