Linux | GUI crash

GUI crash

I My girlfriend has

her X server (vvhic^trash

* comes vvith RH7.1).|\ process running and the X ya GUI the process continue to run? ks, can I hope I’m vvrong, but İh above question is no, then l^to the interesting question. Linux M stability. Hovvever, in my exp^% its XServer falls on its face eveı^le even if the rest of the systeA then -vvork. If you’re using Linux asJVs to desktop Computer (i.e. not aıtaay majörity of the applications M the probably GUl-based, then ttit.Ve system, depends quite a lot X of your your Xserver. \bility of

I know I’m over-simplifyinj ‘stability’ can mean a lot of A since app doesn’t bring the vvholç Ag. one vvould be interested to knov^ivvn), but I Aaron, via email \u think.

jg|f II Processes vvhich are&

W k ıserver witl SGneral|y W to your X f 1 server dies, as they ar^the X knovv that they should. OccasiJt enough to can end up being ‘zombie’ proç^bugh, they need to be killed by hand. Net^-vhich vvill unsurprisingly, a rather good eA rather that just vvon’t die properiy. \of something The stability of the X server importance, hence the reason^ûbvious you keep up vvith the releasesqt sure that don’t end up vvith an old X instAe86, so you memory, has security exploits, vvhich leaks no obvious reason everyonce i^crashes for Certain X servers are more $kj|e. so if the need for X to stay up Jl than others, majör importance, it may be wAnning is of time checking out the different ^spending some seeing vvhich one is the most rçAvers and vvorth buying a video card thatO%. it’s also supported by your choice of X ^ sure is fully

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