
Distro dilemma

Distro dilemma

I have tried to find a reliable distro, but have failed to find one without many problems. I am not looking for ılıt* ınost up to date features (although the ıncMi» recent the better), I am just looking for ı Hl.ıble. Is there someone who produces a »t\v,onably bug free distro and who keeps bug riKi’% updated reliably? nmyonhead, from the forums

A distribution is purely a collection of numerous tools, Utilities and services from discrete sources. İt is practically ımpossıble for anyone to produce a distribution whk h, by the time you install it, vvill not have any explolts or bugs. The best vvay to handle it is to install a recent distribution vvhich vvill probably have the latest releases of core tools, such as RedHat /I, and then maintain the majör programs, such as Apache, X, or vvhatever you vvill be using to suit your requirements.

Ali vendors, or at least the majör ones, issue l>ı ir reports for almost everything on their distribution, at least vvhen security is a factoı; but it *.tıll relies on the third party source producing a fix for such problems in the first place. As most distros

have some form of on-line package management tool, it is fairly straight forvvard to make sure that you have the latest version of a particular package.

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