Selective KDE
I am currently running Mandrake 7.1.1 vvant to upgrade KDE to version 2.1 from the Linux Format CD but don’t know how! Obviously I don’t want every language, nor do I necessarily want the development stuff, but vvhat do I install, and in what order? Every file seems to be dependant on something else that I have not got yet! I tried kpackage, but maybe I should go with the command line, but the dependeney problems will surely remain. Also If I replace fileş then, will I lose the old ones?
Mark Roberts
rll With ‘rpm; you don’t need to install RPMs İl in any particular order if you try to install 1 them as a bateh. Simply doing: rpm -Uvh /path/to/kde21 /*rpm as root, vvill return any dependeney errors for individual packages before trying to install the vvhole set. If you have dependeney problems, or are fınding that Mandrake 71, vvhich uses RPM version 3, doesn’t like the RPMs on the CD, you may vvant to look at downloading compatible RPMs from, or upgrading to Mandrake 7.2, vvhich should allovv you to use the RPMs on the CD.