Linux | Back in black

Back in black

I I’m having problems configuring X under Mandrake 8.1 can’t find any information for refresh rates on the generic LCD 800X600 display, and I suspect this may be the cause of the problem. Changing defaults is ali too prone to leaving me vvith a black screen. Can you help? Bernard Moreton
rl| As you’ve not given us any details about Ij the specific İaptop, the chip set the video «*** 1 card has, nor the X server you’re trying to use, it’s difficult to establish a reason vvhy it vvould do that.

Firstly, check No

doubt, if it is a common problem, then someone vvill have cneated a fix or patch vvhich vvill make it vvork right. If it’s not common and other people seem to be using the same İaptop as you, check out their configuration and compare it to yours, as they may be using an entirely different X server or different settings. You’ll also vvant to ensure that you’re running the latest release of the X distribution you are using, either XFree86 3.3.6 or XFree86 4.1.0 (vvhich is on this month’s coverdisc), depending vvhich option you selected vvhen you installed Mandrake, as well as checking for any incompatibilities vvith the X server you are using.

Refreshing vvindovvs may also be dovvn to the vvindovv manager you’re using, so checking that

you’re running the latest release, or trying something else to see if you experience the same problem. İt may also be that a specific toolkit on your machine, such as Qt or GTK+ is playing up and isn’t displaying vvidgets properiy.

Changing the refresh rate vvon’t make any difference, as that is purely the rate at vvhich the display is refreshed and does not affect the X applications in any vvay. If you set the refresh rate too high, it vvill drive the video chip at a high clock rate vvhich it may not like, and changing the refresh rate on an LCD display vvill make little or no difference anyvvay.

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