Linux | Lost font

Lost font

With nexus.pcf in /usr/X11 R6/lib/X11 /fonts/misc,

; I ran the follovving commands as root:

mkfontdir xset fp rehash /etc/rcd/tnitd/xfs restaft

But nexus vvon’t shovv up in the konsole font list (or any other font list for that matter). xlsfonts does list nexus though.

Even if I don’t enter the xset command (I don’t need it vvhen using xfs, right?) it just makes no difference.

I vvant to use the nexus font at the console (mainly Konsole in X), and so it needs to be listed in the font listing in the application I should think. After entering the above commands and opening up a nevv Konsole vvindovv the font is stili not there.

From the forums

jgf W Nexus is a bit strange, in that ‘mkfontdir’ ||1 doesn’t process it correctly. You need to F «s» 1 remove the lines from fonts.dir and fonts.alias, vvithin the mise directory, and add: fontıdir:

nex6x îö.pcf -rmsc~nexus~medıum-r-norma t-~10-



nexu$ *^c-nexüs~medîum~r-normal—1Q~ ;•:<


Önce you’ve changed those fileş, you vvill need to

restart the ‘xfs’ service, although you don’t need to

use xset, as Nexus is not a font controlled by the X server.

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