Linux | SuSE-friendly?


I installed SuSE 7 on a spare 3.2 GB HD, but I am having trouble setting up my hardvvare to vvork vvith it. My main concern is not being able to even get a simple 24-bit display of 800×600 sorted. I have a Voodoo3 2000 AGP on my AMD Athlon 650 box, and I am using a Phillips 105s monitor.

I run Sax but the best I seem to be able to get is 800×600 or something – so bad I can’t even see the dock on KDE properiy. Also StarOffice and even YaST2 seem to need 800×600 to function, and I’m normally confronted vvith 640×480 vvhen I boot up. Jerome NcKean

Ijj Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config vvith a text j| 11 editör, and manually set the resolution «*» 1 and the bit depth, so that you are 100 per cent sure vvhat X is up to. You vvill vvant to change the list of modes for the bit depth you are using, such as:

SubSection “Display”

Depth 16

Modes *1024×768” “800×600”



Use the DefaultColorDepth setting vvithin the Screen section to set the bit depth you prefer Depending upon the release of XFree86 vvhich SuSE installs, you may vvant to check any problems and upgrades for it at

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