Linux | X makes the spot

X makes the spot

I have tvvo problems that l’d like help vvith. My graphics card is an ATI Graphics Ultra Pro PCI and I have a

Dell Ultrascan 17ES monitor. Under Windows these are capable of 1024×768 at 16-bit colour. I use the Mach32 XFree86 server. X is able to run nicely at 1024×768 but no amount of coaxing vvill make it switch to 16-bit colour. When I set DefaultScreenDepth in my /etc/XF86 Config file to 16, the xserver returns ‘bpp not supported in this version of code’. Would upgrading to XFree86 4.0.1 help?

My second problem is, in order to get sound support under Linux, I need to recompile my kernel with the correct options. I have done so, but on restart the Computer hangs at Loading kernel. İt never makes it to Decompressing kernel. I did type lilo before restarting. I have tried make zlmage and make bzlmage, but neither works. Is there any way you can help?

John Lunney, Dublin

rlj Without being able to see your â İf XF86Config file, it’s hard to guess vvhat’s *»* 1 going vvrong. The Iİach32 X server does support 16-bit screens vvith some RAMDACs, including the ATI68875 in your Ultra Pro. So are you sure that your system is actually using the Mach32 server, rather than, for example, the generic SVGA server? If it is, then perhaps the RAMDAC type is set incorrectly in your config file or, if it isn’t set at ali, the server is returning an incorrect type vvhen probing. You could try adding the line to the section of /etc/X11/XF86 Config that describes your Mach32 device, and so manually choose the right RAMDAC:

Ramdac “ATI68875”

What method did you use to set up X in the first place? If you didn’t use the graphical XF86Setup tool, then l’d recommend that you reconfıgure vvith that. You’ll need to have the VGA16 sen/er installed to run XF86Setup and you have to svvitch ali X servers off before you can start it. On the Cards page, select List cards and choose your ATI Graphics Ultra Pro card (it might also be best to manually select). On the Mode Selection page, make sure you enable 16bpp and that you select this as your default mode at the bottom.

You asked about XFree86 4.01. Well, vvith your card there shouldn’t be much difference in terms

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