Floppies failure

Floppies failure

Firstly I am very new to Linux. At present I am running an evaluation of the Linux platform for the company I
work for and this encompasses the Red Hat

.1, SuSE 7.2 Pro and Progeny 1.0 distributions. Where vvith Red Hat and SuSE I have easily managed to create the setup floppies (the machines we are running the evaluation on won’t boot off a CD) Progeny is a different matter. From your DVD release we have burned the two CD’s required but have failed miserably in creating the İnstall and Modules floppies. Rawrite and Rawrite2 crash and the manual dd routine appears to do nothing. Assuming the two .img fileş to be corrupt I have dovvnloaded new ones from the Progeny Archive and stili get the same results! I am now vvorking on the assumption that I am a complete vegetable and must be addressing the .img fileş in the wrong way. Any assistance vvould be most appreciated.

Dave Suart, via email

|jf lg Since dd vvrites the .img fileş directly to i |lthe floppy disk, it shouldn’t make any f **** 1 difference if they’re corrupt or not. As you’ve not said vvhat dd line you are using, it’s difficult to see if you’re doing it vvrong, but the general vvay to vvrite something to a floppy disk is to do:

dd İf=bootimg of=/dev/fdO bs~2k If this stili fails, and since ravvrite fails too, then the only other obvious problem is that your drive, or floppy controller, isn’t vvorking happily, so you may vvant to investigate looking at that, or having someone else build the boot disks for you and seeing if they vvork then.

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