I’m getting Mandrake 8 posted from | my friend. I’ve decided to go vvith t KDE but I vvant to be able to use Gtk+ apps like Galeon that use a lot of GNOME. Is there any easy vvay to do this? I’ve got 20GB free on my disk, if there are any space questions. Maybe l’ll go vvith GNOME, but KDE sounds better to me.

From the forums

1 You can run Gtk+ and GNOME I applications vvithout running GNOME I itself, so if you vvant to use GIMP under KDE, you can. The reverse is also true, and you shouldn’t experience any problems running KDE applications under GNOME. Hovvever, kvvm does not support some of the features vvhich other GNOME vvindovv managers, such as Savvfish or Enlightenment, does, but it vvon’t make any difference to the usage of any Gtk+ applications on the system. If you are just interested in the applications, you can run a simple vvindovv manager like Savvfish, and just run any GNOME or KDE applications you like, and save on a bit of memory and CPU time in the process.

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