Linux | Flashing lizard

Flashing lizard

I have just installed Mozilla, but I’m having trouble vievving some sites that previously vvorked fine under Netscape. Flash doesn’t seem to vvork at ali.

Are there any tips you could give me?

Colin, Dunstable

Uf 11You can use pretty much any of the

i A I NetscaPe plug-ins vvith Mozilla. İn fact, f **** 1 you’re probably best off copying ali the plug-ins from the netscape/plugins/ folder to your Mozilla/plugins folder and ditching Netscape.

Alternatively, dovvnload the plugin from the Metacreations site (www.metacreations. com), uncompress it (for some reason it is labelled flash.targz, but it isn’t actually zipped) and copy the Java class and library into the Mozilla plug-ins folder. İt should vvork fine. You can check it is installed by typing aboutplugins as the URL

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