Linux | High anxiety

High anxiety

| I’m stili fairly nevv to Linux and taking the straightforvvard route during installation have managed to successfully install, at different times, SuSE

6.4, SuSE 7.0 and a version of Slackvvare on a friend’s Computer. I decided to give Debian 2.2 a shot. The installation vvas problem free until I hit ‘anXious’ vvhen it cannot determine my graphics card. Hovvever vvith SAX on SuSE configuring ‘X’ is a breeze, so I knovv my card vvill vvork under Linux.

Once anXious on Debian has said M don’t like your card’, I feel the installation process became derailed because I’m not given the opportunity to manually teli Debian that my card is an ELSA ERAZOR III LT. Hovv then do I tackle the job of installing X on Debian?

Clive, via email

W H ®ncG ^ebiân is instalİGd you can W k m reconfi8ure your X set-up using f «m» 1 XF86Config. You vvill vvant to ensure that you are running the latest version of XFree86, although you may be better off vvith 3.3.6 rather than 4.0.2 due to various incompatibility issues vvith some popular carcls. Once you’ve configured your card using XF86Config, you shouldn’t have any other problems vvith it under Debian.

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