Linux | Lock down

Lock down

M I have a Matrox G450 card and £ everything is vvorking perfectly, t except vvhen I am logged in as user the second monitor (1) is not active. i.e I can start a program, open a file, picture, but I can’t grab thıe window-list and move the program on the screen, I can’t vvrite anything in StarOffice, change the look of the desktop ete.

Wh*en I am logged in as root everything vvorks *exactly as it should. I guess this is
probably a problem vvith file permissions, but so far I have not found anything that solves it

Simon, Essex

jgf f| The best thing to do is to check ir k H A^k>g/XFree86.0.log and see if there f «*» iare any errors pertaining to the second head. İt seems quite a strange problem, as X itself should be SUID, so that it runs as root vvhoever runs it, but it’s vvorth checking that /usr/X11 R6/bin/XFree86 is SUID and ovvned by rootroot You didn’t say vvhich vvindovv manager or desktop environment you are trying to use, nor if root and the normal user are using the same one. If you’re using the Xinerama extension, vvhere you can drag vvindovvs betvveen the tvvo heads, the vvindovv manager doesn’t need to be avvare of the multi-head configuration, although many, such as Enlightenment and KWM, are Xinerama-aware to help vvith vvindovv placement and such like, but if you’re running on tvvo heads, the Window Manager needs to be avvare that there is a second head. Very fevv WMs vvork like that, and Enlightenment is really the only one vvhich supports a multi-head configuration in that manner

Your best option is to login from the console as the normal user and run: start ~ ^merama

and X vvill start up, using the Xinerama extension to have the desktop span both sereens. If this vvorks, then you’ll need to edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers to set your graphical login too to run X vvith the Xinerama extension, or edit the startx script to append +xinerama to the X server options. Ali of these are covered in the Xinerama HOW-TO at Check that you’re running the latest release of XFree86, vvhich is 4.1.0 at the moment, in case there is a problem vvith the mga X driver and the G450.

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