Linux | Mouse for konsole

Mouse for konsole

I am using Mandrake 8.0 and need

your help on the follovving:

•! is it possible to sort fileş in KDE konqueror file manager according to date while in the detailed format? How can İ configure an İBM ScrolIPoint mouse? Prozilla program can only vvork from the terminal (konsole), so is there a vvay to copy the URL to the terminal rather than typing it in. Sometimes the URL is quite long and a typing mistake is a possibility.

Senta Young

gf mio start with your first question, once you

W k ıare in the ‘Detai,ecl Mode’ y°u İust need

hen you need to edit your ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession fileş, and add the follovving line;

If you neglect to ınclude the & at the end; then X vvill stop doing anything else, as it vvill assume that you vvant imvvheel to run in the foreground. You vvill have to svvitch into a Virtual terminal, and kili off imvvheel for X to continue to load sucessfully.

For your final query, if you vvant to copy text betvveen any X applications, you can do so using the mouse. Use the left button to select the text you vvant to copy, and vvhile that is highlighted, you can use the middle button to paste that into the vvindovv you vvant. Generally, terminal applications vvill paste in the text vvhere the cursor is at, rather than vvhere the mouse is, so you vvill need to ensure that you put it in the right place before you do anything, othervvise you may end up in a bit of a mess. Some applications also permit you to double-click on a vvord to select it, and to triple-dick on a section of text to select it all.As vvith ali X applications, you can select text vvithin the Konsole vvindovv using the mouse.

I m» Ito click on the ‘Modified’ tab at the top, and it vvill sort ali of the fileş by date. Clicking it vvill svvap betvveen having the latest date at the top, and having it at the bottom, so you can then üst fileş vvhichever vvay you prefer

The IBM ScrolIPoint mouse can be set up in X easily, by editing your /etc/X11/XF86Config. Within the mouse’s InputDevice section, you need to put Option “ZAxisMapp*ng” “4 5″

Option “Buttons” -5″

You may also have to change the Protocol to IMPS/2, if it does not behave itself. Assuming that ali vvorks successfully, you can dovvnload the imvvheel application from freshmeatnet, or from Mandrake’s RP server, and install that If you vvant it to run vvhen you start X, or login via xdm/kdm,

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