Linux | Red Hat blues

Red Hat blues

I had originally installed Red Hat 4.1

vvith X, and everything vvorked fine.

%, Now I have RH7.0 vvith XFree86

4.0.1a and it fails to initialise. Claims “Fatal server error: caught signal 11”. I am using a CT65550 video adaptör vvith 2MB vidram. From the forums

W There vvill be a fair amount of information I|1 spat out by the X server about vvhat it’s f «a 1 doing, vvhich should be redireeted to a file so that you can actually revievv it vvithout having to make sure that you’re not going to loose any of it This is done vvith: startx > ^peaiog •
You vvill then be able to see vvhere exactly the X server failed. Upgrading to XFree86 4.0.3, vvhich has far broader device support vvould be very vvise, as vvell as ensuring that you have ali the relevant upgrades for RH7.0. This should amount to quite a few MBs, but they are rather handy if you vvant your machine to vvork right.

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