Linux | Take on tag

Take on tag

I hope you can help vvith this problem. İt s a problem vvith XMMS from SuSE 71 – how do you dovvnload the info from the CDDB?

Michael Griffiths, via email

r li The info I guess you are neferring to is the i II track/artist/album info that is displayed *** 1 during playback. This is usually contained in the İD3 or IDv2 tags of the mp3 fileş themselves. The CDDB and FreeDB (vvhich is, er, free), vvork by using the unique catalog number of a CD to match up the data in the database to specific tracks on a CD. Once you have mp3 fileş vvithout the tags, there is none of this unique
information contained in the file, so you’ll probably have to input it yourself.

You can use something like EasyTag ( to add the tags manually, but if you vvant it done automatically, use Grip ( to create the MP3 fileş in the first place. If you have information included in the filenames, you could vvrite a script to revvrite this into the İD3 space, but the exact mechanics vvould depend on the filename.

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