


; I have installed Man <*ra*te. an everything is upanc#ru”nm8DeXCep: for the Gnome tterf*** (*gJ ■Redmond’ ete) which have t/ee0. ou ° can I install these from the d *str ‘

Kari, via email

The themes are part ^,aPackageca”ed ‘gtk-enginesüo install ,

. * distribution CD vvith ‘rr/10Ljn 111 C r°m’ then locate the directory contai/1’0^t e rPms or the installation and cd into it. Ycan * en insta the gtk-engines package vvith tl^e command rpm-Uvh gtk-engines-0.5-


You can then restart the Gnom^ C0ntr0’CentGr 10 pick vvhich theme you vvant to u4Se

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