More Mandrake malarky

More Mandrake malarky

i have installed Mandrake 7.2 onto my Computer (a Compaq vvith a 6GB hard drive, 128MB RAM and an AMD processor) and follovved the instructions as best I could.

Hovvever, this has given me something of a dilemma. The machine, along vvith a laptop is used as a business tool and also as a domestic machine for the family. The implementation of Linux has introduced a load problem in that during the sequence the user is presented vvith a short menü of operating systems to choose from: Linux, Fail Safe, Windows or Floppy.

This is fine except that the menü times out after a fevv moments and defaults to Linux -vvhich is not very practkal vvhen one’s mind is elsevvhere assuming that the load vvill offer the usual Windows interface.

İt vvill be a vvhile before I can totally adopt Linux and this niggling and inconvenient situation vvill cause some bother. Is it possible to rearrange the menü so that the default becomes Windows?

Some observations:

1) I use two mice – a vvired in or infra red remote. Each has a vvheel. None of the options for inclusion during the configuration section of the load procedure vvould accept these devices. I got the USB mouse off the laptop and it vvorked OK.

2) The method of getting online (I use Netscape 4.6) failed completely. I thought that perhaps I had done something vvrong but it seems avvkvvard.

3) Is it possible to drag some of my fileş from Windows into the Linux Utilities (for

1) You need to supply more information here tı >ı us to help. What exactly are the types and iihmIpIs of the mouses you tried.

2) Again vve could do vvith more information. type of modem do have? If it is an internal l'( I model (or VVinmodem) then it is probably not supported by Linux.

i) Yes. First you have to teli Linux to access or ıinııınt the Windows partition on your drive. Again yi mi npod to be logged in as root

When you mount a drive, you need to mount it m m ıı »vvhere vvithin your existing filesystem. Typical ı >i,ı< are /cdrom or /mnt/cdrom for the CD-ROM

• iı İve /floppy or /mnt/floppy for the floppy drive, ete.

1 ot your Windows partition, vve’ll create a directory « illı’d /mnt/windows for it to get mounted on. First

< 11< •< k vvhether this directory exists already. Enter Is mut Fhıs vvill list the contents of the directory mnt If there’s not a directory in there called

wiı Hİovvs then create it vvith mkdir /mnt/windows.

()kay, you’re ready to mount novv. Enter mount /ılev/hdal /mnt/window -t vfat.

Ihıs telis Linux to mount the first partition of yont tııst IDE drive on the directory /mnt/windows ıı kİ tluıt the filesystem used on this partition is vl.ıi, vvhich is vvhat Linux uses to read Windows f Al filpsystems.

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