Linux | Sound and Vision?

Sound and Vision?

Having managed to Instaü and run a very functional Mandrake 7.1,1 was delighted to obtain Mandrake 7.2, KDE2 and KOffice, and immediately dectded to upgrade my installation to the latest version.

I was horrified to find that using the “upgrade” option caused my system to crash with a black screen, presumably a problem vvith the X server. So I started again using the “instairoption, vvhich gave exactly the same result

After many attempts, I had some success by using the wexpert” option (vvhich I am not!) and by selecting the old version of XFree86, vvhich enabled me to use an 800×600 display but not 1024×768 vvhich worked fine on Version 7.1.

Also, Mandrake 7.2 refused to configure the sound card, but again, “sndconfig” on 7.1
of functionality if you use this server. You might even find that it’s vvorse. You can get expenmental Debian packages at /-branden Again, for your second question, you haven’t supplied enough information for us to be able to solve it When compiling the kernel, I assume you go through the usual procedure, that is makectean , .• •

make config
set it up perfectly. I notice that sndconfig has been dropped from the latest version.

My system is a 500MHz Celeron with 128Mb of RAM, an AT3D 4Mb graphics card, a 10.2Gb harddrive and a Crystal 4232 sound card.Audto configuration is handled by HardDrake in Mandrake 7.2, but it is there.

I was forced to reinstall 7.1 from scratch, and I vvould be interested to know if I can achieve the same configuration asi had vvith Mandrake 7.1.

Hugh, Wrexham

if II Mandrake 7.2 had XFree86 version W k 140′ stili had a lot of problems F 1 with same display cards, although the Alliance AT3D is supposed to be supported. You could try upgrading to version 4.0.2.

You really need to find rnore Information to find out vvhat’s going vvrong. Can you boot into console login vvith Mandrake 7.2? Enter ‘linux 3’ at the LILO prompt to do this.

Now enter startx to start up X Windows manually. If this produces output too quickty for you to read, try radkecting the output to a file, for example: startx 2> xlog.txt Hovv far does it get into the start up before things go vvrong? Does it recognise your graphics chip set? Are there problems vvith the XF86Config file?

The sndconfig tools has been supenceded by HardDrake in Mandrake 7.2. You can start this by from your desktop menü, or by entering harddrake from a shell. HardDrake should be able to detect and automatically configure your soundcard.


links manually. Assuming that everything has vvorked, executing lilo should update LILO with the nevv kernel image.

A possible cause of the problems might be if your/boot directory (and hence the kernel image) isn’t located vvithin the first 1,024 cylinders (usually the first 8GB) of the drive. You should consider making a separate /boot partition then.

Alternatively, there might be something avvry vvith your LILO configuration. To reconfigure LILO, you can run the liloconfig script to interactively create a nevv /etc/lilo. conf file.

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