Distro dilemma

Distro dilemma

I want to put Linux on a low-spec 486 DX33, on which I will shortly increase the RAM to 32 or 64MB. I remember seeing somewhere that some distributions vvere more suited than others to low-spec PCs. I have a range of distros, up to SuSE 7.0, but are any of these okay to use on lovver spec machines?

Paul Treuthardt, via email

M Most distributions vvill happily run on ali systems, although some are compiled vvith optimisations for Pentium class CPUs. This vvon’t stop it vvorking on a 486, but you may have the odd problem. Usually vvith lovv-spec machines, the problem is the amount of stuff the distribution installs, rather than vvhat the particular packages are optimised for, so you’ll almost definitely vvant to do a custom installation and not include things vvhich you knovv you vvon’t be noeding. The biggest CPU hog on lovv-spec boxes is X, so if you can get avvay vvith just using a c ommand line and your typing skills, then you’ll find your machine is a lot happier, quicker and more usable.

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