İnstall magic

İnstall magic

; I have repeatedly tried to install ImageMagick onto my home Computer under Corel Linux 1 (kernel 2.2.12) with kde 1.1.2,1 get the following error message: üpdate-menus: Cannot remove lockfite /var/r un/update-menus.ptd

After this, the following files/directories are installed:

I think you’ll find ImageMagick has been successfully installed to your system. I don’t vvant to install Corel Linux to verify this, but the error message you’re receiving is just telling you that the installer couldn’t create a menü entry for ImageMagick. If it has got to this point in the procedure, then it vvill actually have installed the program properly. This error message is probably due to Corel not using the same menü system as Debian.

Your problems vvith starting ImageMagick might be due to the fact that there’s no single executable called ImageMagick in the package and, since no entries have been added to your desktop’s menü, you don’t knovv hovv to launch the various components of the ImageMagick süite. Have a look at the documentation in /usr/doc/ imagemagick and at For example, the GUI tool for vievving and manipulating pictures is called display and the tool for converting image formats is called convert.

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