LILO ili

LILO ili

II have a dual boot system vvith Windows Me and Linux Mandrake 8.0

1 on separate hard drives. Sometimes vvhen booting it stops at LILO 21.7 and just hangs. This happens about every third or fourth time that I boot up. I can’t find any reference to this exact error in any book or manual that I have. Do you have any ideas as to vvhat I can do?

From the Forums Doing both as root. If this stili doesn’t solve the problem, you may vvant to reinstall the MBR in Windows using fdisk /mbr, then use a rescue disk to get back into Linux and re-run LILO. As it only does it on occasion, it’s somevvhat difficult to figüre out exactly vvhat is causing it, notvvithstanding the fact that you’ve got Windows Me installed on your system vvith Linux.

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