Linux | No X please, vve’re British

No X please, vve’re British

I’ve started to learn to program in C | on an old P75 running Storm Linux

(Debian-based). I’m running everything from the command line (not enough room for X), but I have problems.

Firstly, My keyboard isn’t mapped correctly vvhich is incredibly frustrating! Can you teli me hovv to change this from the command line? I vvant to change it from vvhatever it is at the moment to a Standard British one.
Secondly, I keep running into errors when compiling my first program (I’m sure the code is okay because I got it from a bookf). This is vvhat I get:

# gcc samp.c -o samp ct ‘ C samp£‘1: sîdkLh. No such file or directory.

I presume this means the stdio.h library isn’t present? Hovv can I fix this, and add ali the other libraries I might need?


m II The keyboard map is setup using İT A ı kbdconfig» where you should step through f «m» 1 i386/querty and pick the appropriate British keyboard, then reboot the machine to have it remapped.

Secondly stdio.h is from the glibc development packages, vvhich is small enough to fit onto a floppy disk. Hovvever, you’ll probably not have many of the other header fileş for compiling code against some libraries, vvhich vvill require you to dovvnload plenty of other things. Since Stornıix is a discontinued distribution, and it appears as if your installation doesn’t have much of vvhat you need, you may vvant to reinstall the machine using a proper release of Debian and ensure that you have a complete collection of packages before you get to the point vvhere you can’t install anything else easily. As Debian is updated so easily using apt, you may vvant to consider investing in some variety of netvvorking access for the machine, so that you can update it quickly vvhen you find that you are short of something else.

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