Linux | What’s the frequency?

What’s the frequency?

Has anyone managed to get the j Geforce2 MX vvorking on Mandrake 8 : (or anything) at 1600 x 1200?

The new driver from NVIDIA only offers 1200 x something. I’m running at 1600 in Windows, so the card and monitor are definitely capable of it.

I tried to force it to 1600 using the “show ali” option in the Mandrake control panel, but although it shovved the test image okay, the machine bombed vvhen I confirmed that I vvanted the new resolution.

Ken, from the forums

Wj W There is both the binary nVidia driver, ir A ı *rom their site, and the ‘nv’ driver f 1 included as part of XFree86 4.x, both of vvhich should vvork at the desired resolution. The best option is to run startx from the console, or check /var/log/XFree86.0.log, and figüre out vvhy it didn’t like the 1600×1200 mode line. İt’s quite possible that you’ve entered the incorrect horizontal and vertical frequencies for your monitor, and since XFree86 does not think that it is capable of going up to 1600×1200, it’s not going to attempt to drive it that hard.

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