Linux | Picky sound system

Picky sound system

l’m running Mandrake 7.2. Oddly, sound always works in GNOME but so far it’s only worked once in KDE. I’ve tried it with Kmix running on the kicker, with kmix off, and l’ve turned ali the knobs up! Chris, via email

GNOME uses a sound service knovvn as ‘EsounD’ to mix audio from a number of applications. KDE, hovvever, does not support this sound daemon, so if any KDE applications try to connect to the sound device, they will not be able to. Once KDE is up and running, do ps ax I grep esd to see if it is running, and kili it appropriately. Often, EsounD is started by GNOME automatically, but it may also be started vvithin etc/rc.d/init d by your distribution.

If Mandrake stili does not vvork in KDE, try using ‘mpg123’ or ‘play’ to play an audio file and see vvhat the error is.

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