Linux | Sound advice

Sound advice

I purchased and installed SuSe Linux Personal Edition. The installation was <easy and I very much like vvhat I see. The problems I have is that Linux knovvs I have a SB128 soundcard but says it can’t play sounds, and refers me to check if it’s ALSA compatible or something sounding like that Also, Linux does not recognise my modem (a Supra Express 56i pro) at ali.

Caron, via email

S HThis soundcarc| is fair,ydifficu|t to insta|1

fllas you need to dovvnload kernel modules f mm 1 from Creative Labs’ site and install them by hand. Everything you need to knovv, including vvhere to get them from and how to install them is at sblive.html

You’ll not have as much luck vvith the modem, as it is a CPU-povvened WinModem. If you’re desperate, feel free to try the kernel modules at, but your mileage will vary and if you intend to use Linux to access the Internet, the purchase of a external serial modem vvould be in your favour.

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