Linux | Soundcard woes

Soundcard woes

I have installed Mandrake 7.2.1 was | amazed at how easily it installed. My problems may sound silly but I vveicome your advice.
I can’t get the ESS1868 soundcard to vvork even though Mandrake recognises it, Linuconf states that the device is busy.

Also vvhen I installed CorelDravv 9 it would not run vvhen I click on the icon. I get the same problem vvith Opera 4 and OpenOffice vvhen I unzip or install them. I installed them to their own folders vvhich I created. (I logged on as a user as I had read it was dangerous to repeatedly log on as root).

Gavin, via email

For the ESS card, vvhich is supported by the Linux kernel, you will need to ensure that the isapnp system knovvs how vvhere the card is, and that the ess1868.0 modüle is passed the correct IRQs and 10 addresses. For more details, as vvell as a good description as how to use isapnp read linux/Documentation/ sound/ESS1868 vvithin the kernel source tree.

For the programs vvhich don’t run correctly, you’ll have to check vvhat the icons are trying to run, then ensure you can run them from a terminal using the same command. As you didn’t install them as root in a Standard location, the binaries will not be in a Standard search path for programs, so just running opera will fail. Passing the full path to the binaries should allovv them to vvork correctly.

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