Modules and 2.4

Modules and 2.4

I’ve got a few problems vvith Mandrake 7.1.1 recently upgraded kernels to compiled the netvvork card as a modüle. The modüle vvas ıııade no problem. Hovvever, it fails to find the modüle. This happens vvith my soundcard too. Modprobe doesn’t see it either, even though I can see the modüle sitting there.

Michael, via email

The structure of the modüle directory has changed significantly in 2.4, and it requires an updated version of ‘modutils’ in order to function correctly. There are a large number of packages vvhich require specific versions in 2.4, including binutils, mount and procps. Mandrake 7.1 vvill, probably, contain the vast majority of the packages, but if you intend to run

2 4 release kernels, you need to go through the list and ensure that you have the required releases.

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