Thejoy of 6

Thejoy of 6

I’ve successfully loaded Netscape 6 but I don’t knovv hovv to make it the default brovvser for vvhen I launch help fileş and the like. At the moment I stili get 4.7(ish) vvhen I click on them.

Justin, via email

II You can either change the j| 1| ‘/usr/bin/netscape’ file to run the

1 Netscape 6 binary, either by moving it out of the vvay and creating a symlink from the NS6 binary, or you could reconfigure your MİME lypes, in either GNOME or KDE, to use the specific Netscape 6 binary, rather than the 4.7x binary.

Hovv you do this vvill depend upon the desktop »*nvıronment you are currently using.

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