Problems with kernel 2.4.0

Problems with kernel 2.4.0

r â- When building the 2.4 kernel and I do make xconfig I get the following error:

* 4 make: vvish: Command not , -found r V • make: *^txconfigI Error 127 Any ideas? I’ve scoured the ‘net but with no joy. I am running Linux Mandrake 7.2, currently with kernel 2.2.18, through KDE2 and XF86


m m Wish is part of the TCL/Tk toolkit and is jJF il used by xconfig to create the graphical

I 1 configuration sereen. You obviously don’t have this installed on your system. On Mandrake these should be available in two packages, one called tel and one called tk, and should be on your Mandrake install CD. If not, pay a visit to

II If Linux behaves slovvly, it is more likely il to be due to having an excessive number ^ 1 of services running, rather than a fault vvith the installation – lack of disk space certainly vvould not cause it. If you login from a shell as root and type: ps ax

it vvill list ali processes on the machine and you can find out, via either man or rpm -qi package vvhat they do and decide if you think they should be removed or not.

As for GNOME, gdm is the session manager, so is most likely asking for the passvvord for the user You can’t run both GNOME and KDE together, as their sessions conflict, but you should stili be able to run GNOME applications from the command line in KDE, or vice-versa.

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