SuSE vvorries

SuSE vvorries

I have enjoyed using Linux since I tried the SuSE distro several months ago. Since installing it on a dual boot system, I have novv upgraded my Computer vvith an additional İDE hard drive. I have managed to install Linux on the nevv drive (vvhich I vvant to keep just for Linux), but vvhen I boot up I stili get references to the old distro I had installed.

This is stili there on the original HD drive, so hovv can I remove it, and stop it coming up in the menü vvhen I boot?


You basically have two problems, one of vvhich is fixing your boot manager, the other is to reclaim the space from your hard drive. The boot problem is fairly easily fixed. You don’t say vvhether you installed SuSE again on the nevv drive, or vvhich boot manager you are using (grub or Lilo).

İn either case you vvill need to edit the configuration fileş. First of ali, determine which drive the old distro you vvish to remove is on (probably hda something, if it is on the same drive as Windows). Next, find the appropriate configuration file. If you are using grub you’ll find this at

/boot/grub/menuist /•/; …

For UIO it wi|lbe:

>; • y. V * •’.••••- .* … • /d—. • .*•? v *


Using your favourite editör (e.g. emacs, vi or vvhatever) load up the file and remove the sections that make reference to linux on the old’ drive.

For lilo this vvill be something like: ifnage=/boot/vm|inuz \% iabeMinux noot*/dev/hda6 ■ read-only

Make sure you remove ali the lines betvveen the image= and the next image info section. The process is similar for grub. For Lilo, you now need to run lilo from a terminal to update the settings. When you reboot, the old partition should be gone.

Reclaiming the space from the old partition is a slightly different matter, especially if you vvant to
use it under Wîndows. To be honest, if you are unsure of vvhat you are doing, you are better off using commercial Windows tools such as Partition Magic to reclaim the space and add it back onto your vvindovvs partitions.

If you definitely vvant to do things the Linux vvay, use Parted (, but in either case, you should make sure that you read the documentation thoroughly and make backups, as you can seriously trash ali your data othervvise.

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