Upgrade… shmupgrade!

Upgrade… shmupgrade!

I have been experiencing a problem vvhich I believe is rather common -İ since I upgraded from Linux Mandrake

7.1 to 7.2.

I have a Pil 350MHz CPU dual-booting vvitl Win 98, a Matrox G400 (vvhich is supposed to be vvell supported) and a 17-inch WYSE sereen. İn 7.1 I had 1024×768 resolution, sound, links to my USB Zip drive and ali four Windows partitions automatically set up.

I decided not to bother vvith the upgrade, I just deleted the relevant partitions and did a nevv install. Ali vvent vvell until it got to configuring X. I had a choice of tvvo versions o XFree86, and I tried both (this involved re-installing from scratch each time). My Matrox G400 vvas recognised and my monitor as a sereen capable of 1024×768 at 85Hz; but the highest display rate offered vvas 800×600. Hitting ‘Shovv Ali’ gave access to 1024×768 but on seleeting that I got a black sereen. Finally accepting 800×600,1 let the install finish at the third attempt.

When it booted up, I had no sound, although it vvas shovving it had correctly identified my Soundblaster 64 card; ali of the links to my Windows drives vvere gone, also the USB zip, and I gave up on resetting the modem vvith my UK Linux account.

I vvent in to Drakconf and reset the resolution to 1024×768, and it black-screened on me. After a reboot it vvould not go to the

K’tphlcal login and startx said “time out error” Hid refused to play anymore. So I wiped the loi «ınd vvent back to good old 7.1.

I vvill not upgrade any part of my 7.1 \y*.tc*m unless I can be convinced that this vvill not happen again. Perhaps I should vvait for v<‘i%ion 8 vvhich is in beta already and has XPree86 4.something-better, KDE 2.1 and Kı rnel version 2.4.1 the last time I looked. ihıvid Robertson


I Every time I log in the follovving message appears in the xconsole: “linux kernel: cannot find map file”.

Then, straight after that, the follovving appears after it in the messages file:

“linux kernel: No modüle symbols loaded”

Is this a serious problem, or can I simply ignore it? Do you have any suggestions as to vvhat I can do to correct it?

Lindsay Francis

rl| The map file vvhich your system is | ij referring to is /System.map, or *** ı /boot/System.map, vvhich contains ali exported symbols for modules.

From the message that you’ve been getting, it does not appear as if your kernel has been compiled vvith support for modules included, so it vvon’t export any, as nothing vvill be able to use them anyvvay. The kernel vvill vvork fine like this, but it is often best to build a minimalist kernel and have as much extra stuff, such as filesystems and support for various types of hardvvare ete, loaded in as modules.

Many drivers don’t need to be present ali of the time and, if they are compiled as modules, can be loaded and unloaded on demand to save on memory usage.

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