Vfat support

Vfat support

lif HThe simplest way t0 havG modu|es ,oad at

IF start-up is to add the follovving lines to f **** 1/etc/rc.d/rc.local;

/sbin/modprobe pctel /sbin/modprobe ptserial Alternatively, you can set up an alias in /etc/modules.conf, vvhich loads the ptserial modüle vvhen you access the TTY device for the modem. Just add the follovving to /etc/modules.conf, run depmod -a, and it should work automatically: alias dıar-major-62 ptserial below ptserial pctel

If you stili have problems, there is a rather extensive FAQ över at tıttp://sayamindu. topcities.com/pctel.html, vvhich covers modüle loading and most other problems vvhich you may have.

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