Vfat support

Vfat support

| l’m having a problem vvith my Linux installation. I installed Red Hat 7.2 on 41 a Toshiba Tecra 8100. The first 10GB are vvith Windows 2000 and the last 10GB vvith Linux. The problem is that I can’t mount the Windows partition. The mount -f vfat (…) command doesn’t vvork. Hovv can I mount the Windows partition?

Luis Augusto, via email

You’ve not supplied us vvith any debugging information or error output, but it could be dovvn to your kernel lacking ‘vfat’ support. You can check this vvith cat /proc/filesystems, and if ‘vfat’ is listed, then you have vfat support, othervvise you need to recompile the kernel vvith support for such a filesystem. The other likely causes is that you’ve trying to mount the vvrong device, and as you didn’t give us that either, there is little specifıc information vvhich can be given. The first Windows partition, or ‘C’ drive, is generally /dev/hdal, so you need to do;

mount -t vfat /dev/hdal /mrrt/win Which vvill mount the Windows partition under /mnt/win, vvhich must exist as a directory before you try to mount it You must also mount ali filesystems as root, unless they have an entry in /ete/fstab vvhich permit regular users to mount them, although it should be quite clear that there is a permissions problem othervvise.

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